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Notice to Respondent of the Day Fixed for the Hearing of the Appeal (O 41, R.14.) format

 Notice to Respondent of the Day Fixed for the Hearing of the Appeal (O 41, R.14.)


APPEAL from the ................of the Court of .............dated the of .........2021............



TAKE notice that an appeal from the decree of............ in this case has been presented by and registered this Court, and that the of............ 2021........ has been fixed by this Court for the hearing of this appeal.

If no appearance is made on your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act for you in this appeal, it will be heard and decided in your absence.

GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Court, this of ..........2021............


Note.--If a stay of execution has been ordered, intimation should be given of the fact on this notice.

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